New Book Launch

New Book Launch, in about a week's time!

Dear Pastors, Brothers and Sisters,

        I am pleased to inform that the sequel to the first book, now titled, "Out of the Jaws of Death" will be released very soon. 

        Please place your order immediately so that the moment the books arrive, they will be sent to your home via courier services. Email to If you know the author's personal number, please whatsapp directly to him.

        Please pray for this sequel to the first book, "Same God, Different Stories." Pray that this book will touch the lives of many people who have yet believe in Christ as their personal Saviour. 

        It will feature among others: 

Tony and Ashley Low, a Malaysian couple residing in Melbourne, Australia whose journey in life takes us beyond the natural impossibilities. Doctors had given up on reviving Tony, but God did the impossible.

Blind from young, Lyn Loh was hauled up from the Singapore MRT track by someone with “powerful hands” whom she never had the chance to thank.

Dato’ Tan Chong Jin, who was formerly the chief at the Police College in Cheras, was in a coma after being diagnosed of having Covid-19. The family was already told to make preparations for his funeral, but he was literally rescued out of the jaw of death.

16-year-old Tiffany Wong was supposed to be aborted before she was born. Refusing to take the advice of three doctors, her parents decided that they would trust God for the best, after making up their minds they would still keep the child if she was born with deformities. 

Both Caleb Tan and Kent Ho have different stories to tell about their journey with drugs. 

Liew Ah Onn had a mishap during his diving expedition in the sea of Pulau Tioman, and his near-death experience can turn into a movie.

Liew’s neighbour, Kua Siew Lee who now resides in New Zealand, tells her part of the story when the accident happened in 1998

  • and a bonus story -- one extra chapter compared to the first book -- on Celine Oh who suffered from pneumothorax or the collapse of one of her lungs.

        The book will be priced slightly higher due to additional costs incurred in printing -- price of paper has gone up, and this book is 128 pages compared to 84 pages in the previous book. 

        For one copy it is marked at RM20. Makes a good Christmas gift for friends. This is equivalent to RM2 a chapter.

        However, for quantity purchases of 10 copies and above, it is RM15 per copy. 

        Quantity of 50 copies and above would be RM12 per copy. 

        If any church or Christian organisation would like to have the book translated into Mandarin or Bahasa Malaysia, I would be happy to give away the rights to translate and publish the book, provided they fund the project, apply for the ISBN and use the same graphic artist so that the design is consistent. The organisation or church only needs to give me 100 complimentary copies. 


P.S. If it unfortunate that we cannot get anyone from Sabah or Sarawak willing to share their testimonies, but if you know of anyone, we can work on it for the third book. Please email me ( Thank you.

Feedback :

From Sis SY Khor:

2 weeks ago, our church member's husband got stroke and last week he went for brain operation on the right side. The husband stopped attending church 8 years ago. I didn't manage to met him for prayer. But my Pastor managed to pray for him before the operation. On Saturday at the church i told Pastor about Brother Tony's testimony. That time i kept thinking where to find his story.

And at 1st, i only wanted to buy 2 books but change to buy 4 books. After i bought the book, still wondering who to give the book. This morning,  I just flipped few pages and saw Brother's Tony testimony.

I can present the book to the sister n her husband for encouragement. Hallelujah.. God is so good. He answered prayer at the right time. All glory to God. 

May God bless you and your team in writing all the testimony.


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